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22.05.2024 Finland and Sweden were until recently traditionally non-allied countries and thus unequivocally non-nuclear-weapon countries. Both countries have a long tradition in promoting nuclear disarmament. These stances are now at stake since Finland and Sweden have joined NATO.

Finland’s current Nuclear Energy Act prohibits the import of nuclear explosives as well as their manufacture, possession and detonation in Finland. Sweden has no formal law prohibiting nuclear weapons, but decisions have been made by previous parliaments that Sweden is nuclear-free.


09.05.2024 It was heartening to see stakeholders from various government ministries and civil society groups come together with a shared goal of working towards the ratification of the treaty.


April 29th, 2024

“Our journey may have ended, but commitment to the cause remains unwavering”

by 2023 Mombasa Bike Tour participants

In April 2023, over a dozen IPPNW medical students and junior doctors from 9 countries braved a 500km bike tour from Nairobi to Mombasa, Kenya, leading to IPPNW’s 23rd World Congress. Throughout the 5 day journey, the young leaders rallied junior doctors and medical students to raise awareness and promote action on disarmament, climate justice, and health. Participants met with local community members, decisionmakers, religious leaders, and more. On the journey, the close-knit group learned about each other’s cultures, sang karaoke, discussed perspectives on the threats to life, and united in the common goal of creating a safer, healthier future for future generations.

April 9th, 2024

Nuclear weapons must back on the political agenda

Autor: Willem de Haan

09.04.2024 “Recently there has been more attention to the dangers of nuclear weapons, the subject has made a comeback. Neighbors and former patients talk to me about it. The challenge is to get the subject back on the political agenda.” This is what retired dentist Willem Hubregtse, treasurer of the NVMP, the Dutch Association for Medical Polemology, says.


January 8th, 2024

We are stronger together: Reflections on 2023

The XXIII IPPNW World Congress – Mombasa, Kenya

08.01.2024 2023 was a climax year in my medical peace advocacy work. The year started with a lot of hope; at the time, hope to successfully host the very first IPPNW World Congress in Africa and therefore give an opportunity to many students and young doctors from my beautiful continent to experience the magic that is in IPPNW Congresses. I had only attended one IPPNW World Congress before in 2017, and the great experience gained learning about various indirect determinants of health such as violence and climate change was enough to push me to host this Congress and steer more local and international discussions and solutions surrounding


Press release, Gaza

Preserve humanity, respect international law, ceasefire now!

IPPNW open letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres

Following the vote in the UN General Assembly yesterday and the intensification of the bombing of Gaza, the Co-Presidents of the medical peace organisation IPPNW have written to António Guterres expressing their support for his work and the speech he gave in the UN Security Council on October 13th. IPPNW applauds the UNGA resolution for a humanitarian truce in Gaza and calls together with half a million signatories of the "Ceasefire Now" petition for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Israel.


Report on potential consequences of a meltdown in Zaporizhzhia

Medical organisation calls for a ban on military attacks on nuclear power plants

02.08.2023 The medical peace organization IPPNW calls on member states of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to unequivocally condemn any attacks on nuclear facilities, including reactors, spent fuel storage facilities and other critical infrastructure or personnel. Nuclear power plants should not be allowed to be used as storage facilities for heavy weapons or as bases for military personnel. Member states should also be required, on a mandatory basis, to agree to protecting all structures, systems and components essential to the safe operation of nuclear power plants.


07.06.2023 IPPNW Vice-President for Europe, Dr. Marianne Begemann, shares her impressions from the 23rd IPPNW World Congress, the first ever on the African continent. From the bike tour to the closing photo, she describes the atmosphere and the various events that took place in Mombasa, Kenya, at the "Travelers' Beach.


Speech, May 8th, 2023, German Bundestag

The future of global disarmament and arms control architecture

01.06.2023 Dr. Angelika Claussen, co-chair of the German section of IPPNW and the federation‘s regional vice president for Europe, gave the following speech in Germany’s national parliament, the Bundestag, on  8 May, the anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe. She talks about the effects on the climate of a nuclear war and the global consequences of their use, providing concrete steps for the German government to take.


30.04.2023 At the 23rd World Congress in Mombasa from 26th until 30th of April 2023 the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) discussed the risks and impending consequences of the current, crisis situation on our planet. Under the title "Disarmament, Climate Crisis and Health", IPPNW physicians discussed joint possibilities for action and strategies for action. More than 180 physicians and medical students from all over the world adopted a joint final declaration for a peaceful and just world for all people.


13.04.2023 On April 13th 2023, IPPNW co-chair Ira Helfand received the prestigious "Gandhi, King, Ikeda Community Builders' Prize" from Morehouse College. 

"The prize is awarded annually to an individual who promotes peace and positive social transformation through non-violent means. These individuals use their global leadership to affirm peace, justice, diversity and pluralism."


Press release of IPPNW Germany

Hamburg Declaration on the Danger of Nuclear War

Doctors from all over Europe point to the acute danger of nuclear escalation and call on the nuclear powers to refrain from the first use of nuclear weapons.

24.01.2023 Two years ago today, the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entered into force. To mark the occasion, doctors from IPPNW Europe today issued a joint statement on the current threat of nuclear war. At the end of their meeting in Hamburg, the doctors from all over Europe call on the nuclear weapon states to fulfill their disarmament obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to dismantle their nuclear arsenals and to clear the way for the ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.


20-22nd January, 2023

European IPPNW Meeting in Hamburg

How to prevent a nuclear war in Europe

From January 20-22, 2023, the European IPPNW Meeting will take place in Hamburg, Germany. Exciting speakers such as former Ambassador Alexander Kmentt, Tarja Cronberg (SIPRI), Linda Petz-Gunter of Beyond Nuclear, and Moritz Kütt ( Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy) are invited.
We will exchange ideas on how to prevent a nuclear war in Europe and to advance the nuclear ban in Europe, despite the Ukraine war. We will also discuss how we can deal with the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, around which fighting from both sides continues unabated. We are offering workshops on skills sharing on media work, social media and political advocacy with experienced campaigners.


Press release, August 11th 2022

Physicians call for a ban on military attacks on nuclear installations

Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) are urging governments attending the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in New York to call for a ban on military attacks on nuclear installations. Obstacles to access for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine must be overcome.


New ICAN report

No place to hide

How would health care systems perform in the worst case?

23.06.2022 The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), with assistance from IPPNW leaders in Sweden, the US, the UK, Germany, and France, has released a report entitled No Place to Hide: Nuclear Weapons and the Collapse of Health Care Systems, demonstrating that the health care systems in 10 major cities around the world would be overwhelmed by the detonation of just one nuclear weapon.


Vital Signs Vol 33 Issue 1 2022

One million join call for Russia and NATO to renounce nuclear weapons use in Ukraine

United Nations recieves petition from IPPNW, and supported by many others

23.06.2022 A global petition to reject war and nuclear weapons - signed by more than 1,071,000 citizens worldwide - was delivered at United Nations Headquarters in New York on April 12.
Launched by IPPNW and 17 other Nobel Peace Laureates on the social media platform Avaaz, the open letter calls for "an immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Russian military forces from Ukraine, and for all possible efforts at dialogue to prevent this ultimate disaster." The petition further calls on Russia and NATO "to explicitly renounce any use of nuclear weapons in this conflict, and ... call[s] on all countries to support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to ensure that we never again face a similar moment of nuclear danger."


Press release of IPPNW Sweden

NATO membership requires stronger work for disarmament

Statement on Sweden's accession to NATO

18.05.2022 In connection with the Social Democrats' announcement that they have changed their position on the issue of Swedish NATO membership, Swedish Doctors Against Nuclear Weapons make clear demands to ensure that Sweden remains nuclear-weapon-free - both territorially and in policy. A Swedish entry into NATO, which itself classifies itself as a nuclear weapons alliance, places great demands on Sweden to point out the conditions for the Swedish part, in order to distance itself from nuclear weapons as a member of the alliance.


Call for Application

Global Health Summer School 2022 - applications now open!

Between profit and the common good - lessons from the coronavirus pandemic

05.04.2022 IPPNW Germany, together with Charité Berlin, will once again host the international Global Health Summer School in Berlin from the 16 - 23 July 2022. This year our title is "Global Health between corporate interest and common good – lessons from the coronavirus pandemic".

Please visit our website (www.health-and-globalisation.org) to apply and to receive further information about the programme, this year’s focus and the application process.

Applications are open until May 1st, 2022.




Petition from the UN Commission on the Status of Women

Statement on the Heightened Threat of Nuclear Disaster as a Consequence of the Russian Federation’s War against Ukraine

Petition from the NGO Forum of the 66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

05.04.2022 Participants at the NGO Forum of the 66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women gathered on 25 March 2022 to express their solidarity with Ukraine and to discuss and draw attention to the danger that the world faces from the threat of a nuclear disaster.  It was agreed that a statement be sent to all stakeholders to raise awareness of this critical issue. We, the undersigned, express our extreme concern that the actions taken by the Russian Federation since 24 February, an escalation of an unprovoked and brutal war of choice against Ukraine, have resulted in an untenable situation of global danger.


Open Letter From Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

“We reject war and nuclear weapons”- Join the global call

IPPNW and other Nobel Prize laureates publish open petition against war and the usage of nuclear weapons

24.03.2022 We reject war and nuclear weapons. We call on all our fellow citizens of the world to join us in protecting our planet, home for all of us, from those who threaten to destroy it. The invasion of Ukraine has created a humanitarian disaster for its people. The entire world is facing the greatest threat in history: a large-scale nuclear war, capable of destroying our civilization and causing vast ecological damage across the Earth.


Nobel Peace Laureates Statement

Citizens of the world are against war and nuclear weapons

16.03.2022 12 Nobel Peace Laureates, including IPPNW, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), The Dalai Lama und others, call for an immediate ceasfire and the withdrawal of all Russian military forces from Ukraine. In addition they call for Russia and NATO to explicitly renounce any use of nuclear weapons in this conflict and to support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

11.03.2022 IPPNW Germany condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine and welcomes the UN General Assembly resolution of March 2, 2022 calling for an end to Putin's aggression. The physicians' organisation calls upon the German government to work towards peace, to avoid escalation, and to cancel rearmament programmes for the German military.


Statement, 24.02.2022

Protect Life and Prevent Harm

Joint Statement of International and European Student Representatives of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)

24.02.2022 The International and European Student Representatives of IPPNW are devastated and shocked by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. As medical students and young doctors, we are trained to protect life and prevent harm. We stand in solidarity with Ukrainian and Russian civilians who did not ask for this war. We call for an immediate cease-fire, respect for international humanitarian and human rights law.


Online Event, 19. Feb 2022

War in Eastern Europe

On the Brink of a Humanitarian Disaster

The crisis in Eastern Europe could become a regional and global humanitarian catastrophe if war involving nuclear-armed nations erupts in Ukraine. IPPNW will hold an emergency briefing on February 19, 2022, from 16:00-17:00 CET with a distinguished panel of experts to examine the terrible human cost if diplomacy fails. Topics include:

  • Impact of conventional war
  • Damage to nuclear power reactors
  • Escalation to nuclear weapons use
Press release, 14.02.2022

Medical Appeal: No war in Europe

290 health professionals from Europe and elsewhere in the world have published an appeal today, initiated by the Nobel Peace Prize laureate the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), calling for war in Europe to be averted. Warning that a war would be a humanitarian disaster, they call on all conflict parties to choose diplomacy over escalation.


Medical Appeal

No War in Europe

Medical professionals call for diplomacy to avert a humanitarian disaster

07.02.2022 Doctors and other health professionals in Europe take their responsibility for preventive action to save lives very seriously. The pandemic has shown how much effort they are prepared to put into this task. Yet another medical emergency is brewing in Europe that must be avoided.  If the correct action is taken now, we can avert war – and the humanitarian disaster that it will inevitably bring – by choosing diplomacy over further escalation.

Letter to Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock

IPPNW Co-Presidents urge Annalena Baerbock to initiate the debate about a nuclear ban in Germany

25.01.2022 Following the elections in Germany last September, the new government stated in their coalition agreement that Germany would attend the Meeting of States Parties of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) as an observer. The IPPNW Co-Presidents have written to the new Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, thanking the Green Party for their role in making this happen and recognising their election promise to lead a "broad public debate" on outdated deterrence theories". They urge Baerbock in the letter to use her influence to initiate this debate and points out that the decision on the acquisition of a new nuclear weapon carrier system makes this debate timely and important because of the consequences of such an acquisition on German future policies relevant to nuclear sharing.

Over the span of one week, two nations — Mongolia and Guinea-Bissau — became States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), and three major US cities — Boston, New York City, and Minneapolis — passed ICAN Cities Appeal resolutions.


Paradigm change needed to address the current crisis in Ukraine, Russia and NATO

Statement of the IPPNW Executive Committee issued 17 December 2021

17.12.2021 The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) is deeply concerned about the current tensions between NATO, Ukraine and Russia. There is an acute danger of war which could easily escalate into a nuclear war.


Hufvudstadsbladet (Finland’s main Swedish newspaper)

Is Nato option a restraint for Finland’s détente politics?

Letter to the Editor

17.10.2021 Being convinced of their quantitative and especially their qualitative superiority in weapons and military forces both Nato and US leadership today are objecting all motions towards disarmament and arms control. This concerns nuclear weapons – Nato has taken a strong negative attitude toward the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) – robotweapons, missile defence, weapons placed to space etc. Finland has in many occasions chosen the same line. Bilateral agreements with the US, co-operation with Nato and the option to seek membership in Nato are referred. These shall not be endangered at any cause, even though in the program of the current government there is a statement that Finland will work for an agreement to prohibit robotweapons. 


Webinar on December the 13th 2021

The Dutch commitment to a nuclear-weapon-free world, the Non-Proliferation

Treaty Review Conference and the TPNW’

NVMP, the Dutch IPPNW affiliate NVMP Physicians for Peace together with organisation of the so called Balieberaad organised a webinar on December 13-th on the title ‘The Dutch commitment to a nuclear-weapon-free world, the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference and the TPNW’.


15.12.2021 "The ministers of the so-called Stockholm Initiative emphasise that they are committed to a results-oriented Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference (NPT RevCon) in January. But without even factually acknowledging that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) exists, there will be no meaningful outcome to the NPT RevCon. The nuclear-weapon-free states have a need for security and do not want to be threatened with nuclear weapons by nine states - only five of which are members of the NPT.


Nuclear power has no place in a healthy, sustainable future

IPPNW statement for COP26 UN Climate Change Conference 2021

18.10.2021 The goal of this year's COP26 UN climate change conference is clear: "The world needs to halve emissions over the next decade and reach net zero carbon emissions by the middle of the century if we are to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees." Yet the trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions is still upward. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' Our Common Agendareport to the UN General Assembly last month makes clear: "humanity faces a stark and urgent choice: a breakdown or a breakthrough. ... The choice is ours to make; but we will not have this chance again."


IPPNW joint statement

Proposed US/UK nuclear-powered submarines for Australia jeopardise health while escalating an arms race no one can win

Joint statement by International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and its affiliates in Australia, UK and USA

21.09.2021 Physicians in the countries involved in the proposal announced on 16 September for Australia to acquire nuclear-powered submarines with UK and US assistance are concerned this plan will jeopardise global health and security. Under this proposal, Australia would become the seventh country to use nuclear propulsion for its military vessels, and the first state to do so which does not possess nuclear weapons, or nuclear power reactors.

Article from Dr. Angelika Claußen

Global disarmament to protect the climate

Medicine, Conflict and Survival

09.09.2021 Climate Change not only intensifes existing conflicts; wars and military interventions are at the same time extremely harmful to the climate. Disarmament can therefore not only reduce emissions from arms production, but also free up financial ressources for climate protection. Governments worldwid should focus on a more sustainable security policy.

800 activists formed a human chain at the Büchel nuclear base in Germany on September 5th, to call for the removal of the 20 US nuclear bombs that are stored there."The European peace movement is working together to put an end to the nuclear division of labour within NATO. There is a need for a policy of détente, which means that international cooperation in the field of climate must be extended to security and peace," said Angelika Claußen, president of IPPNW Europe and co-president of IPPNW Germany.


The vow from Hiroshima

On August 9, the IPPNW Medical Student Movement hosted a discussion on The Vow from Hiroshima and the importance of medical student activism. The event featured remarks from Hibakusha and activist Setsuko Thurlow, the filmmakers of The Vow Mitchie Takeuchi and Susan Strickler, and five IPPNW medical student leaders; Shoki Hamada (Japan), Ulfat Pardesi (India), Franca Bruggen (Germany), Ekaterina Schelkanovtseva (Russia), and Joe Hodgkin (United States).

The Mainichi article, August 8th 2021

Nagasaki doctor, activist believes collective power still key to abolishing nuclear arms

NAGASAKI -- The world took a major step towards becoming nuclear-free when the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons banning the use and possession of atomic arms went into effect in January.

Nuclear powers and countries like Japan which are under the U.S. nuclear umbrella have not signed the treaty, only going as far as joining the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), but the influence of the ban treaty on the NPT is enormous.


A Road Map To End Nuclear Sharing

In Conversation with EU Parliamentarians

29.06.2021 IPPNW organised an online event with EU parliamentarians on 28 June 2021 as part of the Nukefree Europe alliance. Karl-Heinz Brunner, SPD Germany, Jasper van Dyke, Socialist Party Netherlands, Kris Verduyckt, Flemish Socialist Party and Kathrin Vogler from the Left Party Germany, discussed a roadmap to end nuclear sharing.

IPPNW Statement on the U.S.-Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability

16.06.2021 IPPNW, which along with Pugwash initiated the 7 June 2021 Russian-American High-Level Appeal to Presidents Biden and Putin on the issues of preventing nuclear war and nuclear disarmament, strongly welcomes the “U.S.-Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability,” adopted by the two leaders at their meeting in Geneva on 16 June 2021.

IPPNW and Pugwash Launch Appeal to Presidents Biden and Putin

An Appeal to Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden

07.06.2021 In advance of the first summit between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden in Geneva on June 16, a group of more than 30 American and Russian organizations, international nuclear policy experts, and former senior officials have issued an appeal to the two Presidents calling upon them to take steps to reduce and eliminate the threat of nuclear war.


The Risk of Nuclear War With China

A Letter by Dr. Robert Gould, North American Regional Vice President of IPPNW

03.06.2021 The following letter was published on June 3 in the New York Times. Dr. Robert Gould is the North American Regional Vice President of IPPNW and President of the San Francisco Bay chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility.

The courageous disclosure by Daniel Ellsberg of the dangerous 1958 U.S.-China flash point over Taiwan provides a vivid warning of how easily we can precipitate a nuclear Armageddon by pursuing our strategy of heightened confrontation with China throughout the Pacific region.


Medact article, May 18th 2021

Palestine On Strike – Solidarity statement on events in Palestine

18.05.2021 Today, starting from 18 May, Palestinians across Palestine – including Palestinian citizens of Israel – are participating in a General Strike in an act of popular resistance in response to escalating Israeli political and military aggression.

We stand in solidarity with people in Palestine and in the diaspora who are resisting this aggression and decades of occupation and displacement. And we call on the UK government to apply pressure on Israel to end the air strikes, and immediately impose a two-way arms embargo with Israel.

World Federation of Public Health Associations

Statement by non-State actors in official relations with WHO

25.05.2021 The Constituency Call On WHA For Better Co-Ordination For Action On COVID-19.

This constituency consisting of major international federations of global health, primary care, and social work professionals supports the WHO in its call on its member states to work together on the co-design and co-production of coordinated strategies to control the pandemic.


“Roadmap to end nuclear sharing”

Report: Webinar, March 29, 2021

The first webinar on the “Roadmap to end nuclear sharing” on March 29, 2021, was a real success, with 87 people from all over Europe, and some from other continents, taking part. Our aim was to develop interactive connections and a common strategy for European peace and disarmament activists to approach governments.


Learn about Nuclear Weapons

Learn About Nuclear Weapons is a web-based educational material from the Swedish Physicians Against Nuclear Weapons for those who want to learn more about nuclear weapons:

IPPNW European Regional Meeting 2023

Bike for the Ban!

IPPNW Responds to Crisis in Ukraine: www.ippnw.org

Article by Angelika Claußen: War is a climate killer

Climate protection needs peace

How the Military and Armaments fuel the Climate Catastrophe

IPPNW-Paper: How the Military and Armaments fuel the Climate Catastrophe
PDF Download

A Roadmap to End Nuclear Sharing

In Conversation with EU Parliamentarians
28. Juni 2021

Recording link

Medical Peace Work

Medical Peace Work
Online Courses

Animated Short Film about DU by ICBUW and PaxChristi

click to watch the video in IPPNW's youtube channel